I usually look the book up on Amazon and then using the Library Extension (https://www.libraryextension.com/) I either add it to my library wish list if it is at my library and if not I add it to my Amazon "To Read" list. I may not always buy it from Amazon but at least it's all there in a list. So, I have 2 "To Read" lists. I guess I could just keep 1 list and add to Amazon list and then when I'm ready to read it use the extension to reserve at library.

I keep track of all the books I own and have read at LibraryThing. Which means I could probably keep my Amazon list there too and have it all in 1 place; to read, read, and own but I haven't done that.

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wow, it's very impressive that you are able to keep track of all the books you've read and own - that is a new life goal for me!

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Omg I’ve done this for YEARS!! But I don’t know if I’ve ever read a single book from it 😂 I always forget I have it there.

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oh no! that is the trick: remembering you actually have this great list! I've been sitting down with my Kindle + phone once a week and downloading the samples of the books I have on my list!

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I use Google Keep and write a few comments about what I thought about each book.

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Reading goals! I always mean to write something about each book but don't 'cos I'm caught up in finding the next book to read!

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I constantly read about new books that are coming out and list interesting books in my Keep. As room becomes available on my library card, I borrow or put the ebooks on hold (noting the status change in my Keep). When I finish a book, I just jot down some notes before starting the next one. The only issue is that I have more books right now in my Keep than I'll ever be able to read (especially with new books arriving all the time).

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Agreed! There are so many new books to read it's an impossible task to read them all! ❤️

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GoodReads felt innovative 20 years ago, but has not kept up with the times.

Have you checked out ILIAD?

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I haven't checked out Iliad - I'll take a look!

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We’re adding new users from our waitlist next week and here’s a sneak peek: https://www.loom.com/share/42e230da22fa4523a1ae5c994d255ce1

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I always record the titles in my bullet journal, but seeing the covers is way, way better than:)

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Seeing the titles is very satisfying!

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I use Goodreads and I think it works well for me because it's linked up to my Kindle, so once I finish my library book, it'll pop up with the option to rate the book in Goodreads, which automatically moves it from "Currently Reading" to "Read." However, your method is so simple and I love the visual element of it! I have had Margo on my list for a bit now and everyone really seems to rave about it!

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You must read Margo!!!! I did find it a little tricky to get into at first but that doesn't last long!

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I loved loved loved MARGO. Thanks fro the shout out!

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Of course! I love What to Read If! I wish I could hang out with Margo in real life (and Jinx) 😉

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That is SO smart. I have become extremely loyal to my library’s (mobile-friendly) website, so I keep my tbr list there. If it’s something super popular (Margo and those dingdang money problems!) I put it on hold immediately, figuring by the time it comes to me I will have a spot for it in my reading rotation. If it doesn’t have a super long hold list, I’ll usually add it to my “to read” shelf. I try not to keep books as physical artifacts unless I want to write in them or if they have sentimental meaning.

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That is so cool that your library has a mobile friendly site that you can use!

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Love this. Any method that works, works. I ise The Storygraph app to track books read and those I want to read. I use tags, too, if recommendations came from specific places or have themes I'm searching for, things like that.

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It's such a nice feeling to have control over your TBR list!

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Love this hack! 📚

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I picked up Margo browsing at Parnassus on a trip to Nashville. 💖 ordinarily I wouldn’t self-describe as a reader looking for a “romp,” but I was ALL IN for this one. This was the kind of book that I took with me during the day - just in case a few minutes presented themselves. A long time ago a friend pointed out (re the protagonist Eleanor Oliphant) that what drew her to Eleanor was that she didn’t feel sorry for herself. Margo doesn’t feel sorry for herself, even though author Rufi Thorpe really puts her up a tree and throws things at her. This was such an energizing read for me. Oh - and it’s saucy! 🍅 So much to love here. Take a screen shot and get it on your clever new TBR! 💖

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I completely agree - I've read 3 other books since Margo but am still thinking about her, and sometimes find myself wondering how she's doing! 🤣 "Plucky" is the word I think of to describe her - and while I'm thrilled there's going to be a show I'm also not sure they'll be able to do justice to the characters I created in my head!

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Exactly. The characters are so rich on the page I’ve cast them with people from my real life already. Surely Dyson will pony up a sizable investment for product placement. 😉

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and Roomba...😉

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Love the simplicity of it. Bravo. Haha:)

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I know! So simple! Why did it take me so long to figure it out?!

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Clever idea

I have a Google Sheets doc, which is alphabetical by author. This is helpful when looking through the stacks at used book stores.

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That's a great idea!

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You can open it on your phone.

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I have so many pics of books I want to read (both screenshots and actual books from my trips to Waterstones to just browse because no money) and I never remember them so thank you for this 😭♥️

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I hope this works for you!

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It is the perfect way to keep track of your TBR! I talked about this same thing in a July newsletter and it’s the only way I’ve ever kept track of my list. So convenient 💥

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Great minds! 📚❤️

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I’m really glad you wrote about this, because it’s at once dead-simple, totally intuitive…and also something I’d never thought to do before! 😅

I’ve halfheartedly used the Goodreads app, but it’s *just* complicated enough that I don’t stick to it consistently. Adopting your trick now!

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Ah, thank you for the kind words - and I hope it works for you, too! 📚

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