This is the CUTEST idea! Such a creative way to elevate what can feel somewhat staid (I don't want to know how many cumulative hours my partner and I have spent watching TV/movies on the couch...!)

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combining several of my fave things: watching a movie on the sofa, eating something yummy, + ideally going to bed early!!! lol

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I love going to a matinee showing, followed by dinner (where we discuss the movie)! Now that movies are always over 2 hours long (why??!), this timing usually works.

It actually just occurred to me that you could have a “Perfect 90 minutes” category of your movie recs (When Harry Met Sally is a perfect movie)

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I love a day date bc I often fall asleep during movies when we watch them after our kids are in bed! My in-laws do movie night with the grandkids from 5-8ish and we will have our own movie with dinner date some of those times too! When Harry Met Sally is the perfect movie in many ways for me.

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When Harry Met Sally is simply a perfect movie! I'm thinking about what I'd have for dinner while watching it - apple pie A LA MODE, would be included, of course!

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The matinee showing!!!! That's the dream. I'd do that, eat the popcorn, then maybe stop for a drink, before an early dinner! Loving the Perfect 90 Minutes category - I was also thinking of doing What To Binge Watch on a Girls' Weekend!

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