My favorite Maclean series! Don’t read spoilers! There’s a great reveal in book 4.

Also stealing the meeting place idea. Will 1) get me to happy places and 2) help my anxiety.

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thanks for the MacLean tips - so glad to have begun the adventure! meeting up in places you actually want to be and that feel good for you makes a HUGE difference - less dread! - I've also found that most people appreciate it when you go ahead and suggest a place to meet - decisive!

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i am totally stealing this idea to keep a list of beautiful places where i can meet people in the city! what was on your manhattan list? (i love to go to ABCV and ABC Kitchen)

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The ABCs are on my list too! Also Gramercy Tavern, I Sodi, the defunct Pearl Oyster Bar, the Crosby St Hotel, the Carlyle, and not high brow, but I love a Le Pain Quotidien - great Cobb salad! 😉

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