Amelia, I am so sorry about your foot injury. My walks in nature help keep me a pleasant person to be around, so I felt this DEEPLY.

I also love tennis but don't always have the time to go play and found that ping pong is a fun stand-in. It might be a good substitute while you're healing?

Loved this list. As humans, taking the basics for granted is a regular occurrence and reminders like these are so helpful. 💗

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thank you Jenovia! that we so often take the basics for granted is such a wise observation!

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i hope you heal well. I sprained the ligaments in my foot a month or so ago and it HURTS so much and interferes with everything. I am deeply sympathetic. Thanks for your newsletter

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I know exactly how you feel, Eliza! Are you wearing a boot?!

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No. I've done it before (several times, BAD ankles) so I did all the things you're not supposed to and muscled through it after a couple of days of RICE. I'm not kind to my joints!

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That's my typical MO! But this time I'm actually following the dr's advice in hope that it might work?! Crazy concept!

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I guess my truism is that everyone likes to be thanked. I thank my coworkers for doing extra things or helping me with something or for just working with me on our usual tasks. I love working in person again in part for this reason.

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Oh yes! Someone randomly just thanked me for something small I did weeks ago because she thought she hadn't thanked me then - and I felt so good! ❤️

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If you live in an area with greenways you should start biking outdoors! My friends and I have a biking group and nothing makes you feel more like a kid again than riding a bike with friends. (And the lunch or picnic afterward is always a bonus!)

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yes! love that - I can't exercise for the next 10 days, but I'll be able to get back on a bike for a few weeks after that - this is a great way to replace a nice walk with friends! thank you, Caryn!

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I had a six-week ban from exercise while recovering from breast cancer surgery late last year and what helped me was to say “this is just for a season”. I then used the time off to do other things I loved on my own happiness list (like connect with friends in person and organised small easy areas of my house)

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Oh Marcia, I hope you’re all healed now. This is wonderful advice! In addition to it “just being for a season” I’m telling myself that this is a great time to finally learn some patience, something I typically don’t have much of!

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Ha! You and me both with the patience. I am healed now, thanks for asking!

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I so needed this. Around the holidays I got rude awakening to how negative I had been...for awhile. I was hurt, but saw the truth in it. I started off the new year on the right foot - eating better, exercising, making plans with friends, and some other good habits.

I did great the first 6ish weeks of the year. It's then gotten a little harder to keep the minor bad crap of adulthood and society from bringing me down. While I haven't gone down back to where I was before, I've been more aware of when my mood starts to dip and I try to figure out what will bring me back up.

It's great to read a post like this. Others may not choose to share when they're going through something opposite to their "brand." I applaud you for sharing as it a) reminds everyone you're human too and b) helps all find how we can come out of the negativity too.

Thank you!

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I'm so glad this was helpful, Jessica, and I know exactly what you mean: adult humaning is hard and doing it happily is hard! Thank you so much for reading! Xo Amelia

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Oh SO could relate to this, Amelia, and so grateful to you for sharing (and also, the Working Girl Sigourney collages!!! I digress! 😂). Your list is brilliantly helpful (and can tick so many of the same, my mum always used to say "What have you eaten, and how much have you slept?"—and it still applies to me to this day!). And the "icky and lazy" feel post-scroll, plus the news breathers ... thank you, thank you and wishing you a speedy, full recovery. XX

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Thank you, Jeni! I should probably add "hydrate" to the list but I think most of us are now overdoing it on that front! 🤣

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Hahaha, me too (although, possibly TMI now, but my gynae once commented on the sudden increase in patients wondering why they were running more to the loo more—as they slammed down their massive Stanley cups on the desk! 🙊)

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Ha ha ha ha! Thank you for the laugh as I sit here, elevating my foot!

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Not being able to go for walks is such a bummer. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Thanks Maddie! I rely on walks to clear my head and they're such a good way to meet up with people, too!

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Ooh big empathy here! I am also dealing with a small but stubborn injury and hoo boy it’s been BUMMING ME OUT. I exercise regularly but didn’t even think I liked exercising until I couldn’t. Last weekend I teared up telling my husband that I was so sick of my kids asking what’s for dinner haha. Spring is coming! May we all heal swiftly and find joy in the meantime.

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Phew, thank you! Sometimes it feels good to commiserate! "What's for dinner" should be banned from the English language and replaced with "Guess what I'm making YOU for dinner, Mom!" 😉😉

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A few of the funniest books I’ve ever read: This Is Not a Book About Benedict Cumberbatch (Elizabeth Held introduced me to this one and author is Aussie), Out of Sheer Rage by Geoff Dyer (about a man doing everything he can to avoid writing a biography of DH Lawrence… going so far as to go the Greek Islands and continue procrastinating), and The Possessed by Elif Batuman (a bibliomemoir about Russian literature but…funny)

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Love this list - thank you! I just started Curtis Sittenfeld's latest book of essays and will add all of these to my list!

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What an honest and wonderful post, Amelia. Thank you for this, I’m going through the checklist now. So sorry about the injury! xx

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Thanks Jolene! I'm so glad to have my checklist - turns out it really does help!

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Hope you are better soon and sunshine returns.

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Thanks Christy - the weather is finally warming up here so that's a positive development!

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“To correct the deficit on my happiness scorecard, I must find new ways to check the Sun, People, and Laugh boxes while my injury heals.” This is *such* a smart insight. Sending you healing (and happy!) thoughts, Amelia!

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Thanks Maddie! I have so many deficits but I'll start with those 3! 😉

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I think we're all right there with you - general malaise.

Try some seated yoga?

Do you play board games? That can scratch the competitive itch.

Take care of yourself...and my go to, lots of tea and books 💕

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I kept thinking about ping pong as a good idea but it's too active - board games and mahjong might be the ticket for the next few months! And a lot of tv and books! 😉

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