Amelia, happy birthday to YOU!!! your scribbles are so wise. thank you, ginny

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9 hrs agoLiked by Amelia Wilson

Happy Birthday! About to celebrate my 50th in 2 months. loved your advice and will keep it in mind. Cheers to 50!

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Thank you Claire and congrats to you too! I feel like I've been processing this birthday for at least 6 months! 😉

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Happy Birthday!!!! - My mantra is Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Smiled when I saw it as is one of my commandments for life and work.

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it's such a good one: I'm in a constant battle with my perfectionism! thank you for reading!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Amelia Wilson

A particularly interesting Scribble for your 50th! As I know you well, I can candidly say you practice what you preach! That’s really refreshing! And I have 2 more truisms to ponder! I’m not the originator of either: 51, everyone listens when being paid a compliment. Give them often and 52, Hope is not a strategy! Refer to 1 - 50 for the strategy! Happy Birthday! Keep scribbling! 😘

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Couldn't agree more with your 2 additions! Hope is definitely not a strategy and it is such a good thing to remember that people love being paid compliments. If you can't think of anything else to say, pay a compliment! thank you for reading! ❤️

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Walking forever! happy birthday friend!

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walking is the answer! one foot in front of the other, and repeat!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Amelia Wilson

Did you steal this from Trump? A belated happy birthday!

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thank you!

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I loved this! The part about taking a walk rings so true for me. When things are tough I just go for distance and walk as much as I can!

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walking/thinking are so intertwined. plus fresh air and a change of scenery really help!

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs agoLiked by Amelia Wilson

My newly 50 year old self thoroughly enjoyed reading this list. I couldn't agree more with everything you said. Thank you for taking the time to articulate these thoughts so eloquently and authentically.

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happy birthday to you! holey moley it's a trip turning 50 - I've spent a lot of time this year thinking about what it means, who I am, and how I want the rest of my life to be!

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Absolutely LOVED this Amelia! Congrats on 50!

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thank you Alex! I'm reminding myself (daily) that 50 is both old AND young! xo

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This is so touching and lovely! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and humor and creativity with us! Happiest of Birthdays, Amelia! ❤️

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thank you for reading, Jolene! you are certainly a source of inspiration on the humor, wisdom, and creativity front, so that means a lot!❤️

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Love this Amelia!! You’re a very wise and forever young at heart 50 year old ✨happy happy birthday xx

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thank you! I feel like "wise" is an attribute we can honestly lay claim to at 50! lots of love! ❤️

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